Monday, September 21, 2020

All Hail King Albert!

Because my eyes and ears are connected to mybrain I love Albert Brooks, and a series of his films is playing on the Criterion Channel now through October 31, 2020. I wholeheartedly ageee with this sentiment:

How I envy the wretch who has not yet discovered Albert Brooks! The opportunity to now watch these five remarkable films on the Criterion Channel—each looking crisper than I’ve ever seen them and retaining all of their original bite—is one to be celebrated and then mourned when it’s over. There’s never been an artist like Brooks (imitators included), and these films are true wonders, all of them treasured in knowing circles but none given their due in their own time. It’s an honor to be able to gush about them here, preaching to the devoted choir and perhaps—hopefully—introducing these boons to a few unenlightened innocents who might also emerge feeling less defeated, less alone. 
The films being highlighted are his classics - ranked in order of personal preference by me,
Lost in America
Defending Your Life
Real Life
Modern Romance
I also personally have a soft spot for The Muse, which to me is as "Albert Brook-ish" as any of the others and a great follow-up to Mother.

My one beef is I don't get why everyone thinks Modern Romance is such a great film. It's Brooks at his characters' absolute worst, and not funny save for it being the one time (why????!?!!?!) he featured his brother Super Dave Osbourne/Marty Funkhouser in one of his films.

You should watch all these movies, and follow him on Twitter since he's one of the best at it.

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