Sunday, September 27, 2020


Longtime Xmastime favorite Michael Wilbon with a great, warm article on four of his sports icons who became friends, all dying within 171 days of each other during Covid:

One of the many things the four of them shared was the dignified way they entered a room and interacted with people, despite each having navigated the hostilities of a world that didn’t particularly want them before they became wildly successful. The funeral of any one of them would fill an arena in normal times when such gatherings were not only welcome but expected. Losing all four in so little time seems unthinkably cruel. As is, we turned to mainstream and social media, private conversations and texts. Getting out of this pandemic cannot come quickly enough, for a million reasons, among them that if we have to lose such beloved and precious icons, we ought to have the chance to give them the warmest and most proper send-off imaginable.

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