Thursday, September 24, 2020

WTF du Jour

There should be a component of Touch ID on iPhones that tells you the reason you can't log in is the Cheetos dust on your fingers.  - XMASTIME

From the "Why is this a thing?" lab:

Cheetos and fingers covered in orange cheese dust are kind of a package deal—at least they are if you binge a bag of Cheetos without protection. For a more sanitary snacking experience, there's Chip Fingers. Chip Fingers are finger guards that block the crumbs, powders, and seasonings coating the chip of your choice. Just slip them onto your thumb, index finger, and middle finger before opening a new bag and proceed with your snack attack.

The finger covers are made from BPA-free silicon and are designed to fit most finger sizes. After using them, just run them through the dishwasher to ensure they're clean for your next Cheetos craving.  

So...I hafta then lick these things instead of my OWN fingers after a great Cheetos sesh? What idiot thinks this is even possibly a good idea? 

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