Saturday, December 19, 2020

A Christmas Carol at 177

On this day in 1843, Charles Dicken's uber-classic A Christmas Carol was published. From its Wikipedia page (duh):

"A Christmas Carol captured the zeitgeist of the mid-Victorian revival of the Christmas holiday. Dickens had acknowledged the influence of the modern Western observance of Christmas and later inspired several aspects of Christmas, including family gatherings, seasonal food and drink, dancing, games and a festive generosity of spirit. In the early 19th century the celebration of Christmas was associated in Britain with the countryside and peasant revels, disconnected to the increasing urbanisation and industrialisation taking place. In A Christmas Carol, Dickens showed that Christmas could be celebrated in towns and cities, despite increasing modernisation. The modern observance of Christmas is largely the result of a mid-Victorian revival of the holiday."

There's nothing I can really add to whatever's already been written about its brilliance and importance, both in terms of literature and the holiday itself, but I like this list of film adaptations. Most significantly, you can watch the first one ever made - in 1901!!

Sadly, the list leaves off an incredibly brilliant version: Blackadder's A Christmas Carol, which takes on the beloved story with a twist that is beyond brilliant and hilarious. Enjoy! You're welcome!

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