Friday, December 18, 2020

Check out the Chicks at the Library

It's been easy to bitch and moan about how much America sucks in recent years, but during this whole time the folks over at The Library of Congress have done a stunning job completing the digitization of the first 23 presidential libraries. I can't really wrap my head around such a feat, but I'd like to point out it's something that can easily be marked as something that does, in fact, make America great.

Again I have no idea how useful it may be - do we REALLY need 69,600 items from Benjamin Harrison? If Calvin Coolidge's nickname was "Silent Cal" then how are there 179,000 documents from him to pore through?

Here's a bit of TJ's first draft of The Declaration of Independence!

It's upside down.

And where is John Adams - of all the presidents, he was the one they always referred to as "one chatty motherfucker", and his shit's missing here?

Ha! Anyway, what a remarkable feat, one that should be cheered, despite my being a petty asshole.

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