Wednesday, December 30, 2020

PBS Alert du Jour

As a life-long fan of Little House on the Prairie, I'm very much looking forward to watching the American Masters episode about Laura Ingalls Wilder, which you can stream HERE (well you can if you're a member of PBS, VIEWERS LIKE ME, of course...)

Little House of course inspired my inspiring thesis on WHY DOES GOD HAVE TO REST? back in 2008.

Also, the hilarity of Ma Ingalls bitching at Pa to GET SOME EXERCISE. Wow.

Also: 2018 GOALS! :)

Aaaaaaaaand if you want guaranteed waterworks from ol' Xmastime, JUST MAKE ME WATCH THIS EPISODE.

And with that, they knew Half-Pint was now a woman...

Going to hell for that one. Yeesh.

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