Friday, January 15, 2021

For Lack of a Better Post Title: Fuck Trump

I hate staining the pages of this blog with Trump shit, but this from the New York Times seems to somewhat sum up his final days:

Throughout his presidency, Republicans pretended not to hear what the president was saying. For the last few months, Republican election officials in Georgia have spoken with mounting desperation of being barraged with death threats as a result of Trump’s ceaseless lies about the election, but national Republicans did little to restrain him. There was no exodus away from the president and his brand when, during the debates, he refused to commit to a peaceful transition of power and told the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.”

The far-right took heart from the president’s winks and nods, retweets and outright displays of support. “Donald Trump, ever since his campaign, throughout his four years in office, has done nothing but pander to these people,” Daryl Johnson, a former senior intelligence analyst at the Department of Homeland Security, told me.

There was no mystery about who Trump was or what he'd do the day he glided down from that escalator in 2015. Most people supported him BECAUSE he was fucking awful, not despite it. He's truly one of history's shittiest humans, and for years people like me were scoffed at as "snowflakes" for pointing it out, all while reporters constantly cooed to his supporters to please tell them all about their tender bruised feelings as the super-oppressed in spite of winning the 2016 election.

But of course we're in the clutching-our-pearls, pretending to be surprised stage now that it's (almost) all over, and as collective amnesia set in everybody gets to move on and pretend they never supported him. Ugh.

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