Monday, January 11, 2021

God Bless PBS

Always seen as the stodgy, dull channel on the dial, if you peel back the layers its always PBS that has way more amazing, niche, local content than any big shitty network out there. - XMASTIME

I've blathered over the past few weeks how awesome it is that of all stations, it's PBS that has local programming such as the one documenting the Minneapolis hardcore scene et al above. And now, I find this - a short animated film from a guy who witnessed the first Velvet Underground show:

"THE VELVET UNDERGROUND PLAYED AT MY SCHOOL: This animated short recounts the Velvet Underground's first gig in 1965: in front of a crowd of shocked kids at a suburban New Jersey high school."

I can't embed (grrr) so watch it HERE. Fantastic.

"Shitty, cardboard pizza in the shape of a rectangle for lunch? Okay we'll play your school"

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