Friday, January 15, 2021

Wiki Wiki Wiki (Shut Up!)

Sometimes I think I'm only doing this shit so that one of you motherscratchers will make a Wikipedia entry about me. - XMASTIME

How is it possible I don't have my own Wikipedia article? What the fuck is wrong with you people; you call yourself "fans"??!!  - XMASTIME

Happy 20th birthday to Wikipedia!! This really has to be the Internet's most amazing website - I really don't think an hour goes by that I don't use it, and yet I'm generally offended and horrified the two times a year it asks me to contribute a measly $3 to help keep it alive. Oh well, I am a mystery wrapped in an enigma tucked rather nicely into a pair of khaki cargo shorts.

Take some time today to celebrate some of its greatest wormholes, including something about the classic MTV reality show Two-a-Days, which I fucking sat through during the nadir of my reality tv addiction.

Maybe I'm still bitter that my one entry into the Wikipedia universe was fucking removed for reasons still unknown. (Is it because I spelled favorite with a "u"?)

Fuck you people, you don't DESERVE this knowledge!!!!

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