Saturday, April 17, 2021

Prince Phillip

Prince Philip's funeral is today. I know that in 2021 we're supposed to clutch our pearls because a guy born in 1921 said some casually racist things that in the moment were barely noticed, and this article does a nice job of succinctly summing up his life and how much has changed since he was born so long ago:

Philip was a man of his age. He was born into a world of deference and tradition that no longer exists: Greece has been a republic since 1973, while the heir to the Danish throne is married to an Australian marketing consultant. In 1937, the 16-year-old Philip walked through German streets for his sister’s funeral as onlookers gave Nazi salutes. His grandson Harry, meanwhile, married a biracial American actor, moved to California, and launched a podcast.

The 20th century was a hell of a ride, and one in which men’s expectations for their lives changed as dramatically as women’s. No one encapsulated that quite as strangely, or as remarkably, as a man who lived for nearly a century himself.

Oooh, those endless Xmastime/Prince Philip comparisons keep rolling in - like moi, apparently he didn't care much for wine, preferring beer!

"And none of that lite bullshit for pussies!"

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