Thursday, April 08, 2021

Sorry Ma, II

The great Bob Odenkirk is talking about Sorry Ma, Forgot to Take Out the Trash being his favorite album. I posted about it a year ago HERE - I assume this is a repeat of the same episode, why would he be doing this twice? But it's a great excuse to remind ourselves how great The Replacements' debut record is:

1) It's basically an album of singles; 18 great, rocking cuts that if presented to you as a 45 you'd listen and think "wow, that's great!" There's not a non-single feeling song in the whole bunch. So much so that I've never understood why "I'm in Trouble" was chosen as the actual single. It's a great song, but a quick look at the track listing puts it as only my 8th or 9th favorite cut on the album.

2) The bass playing is staggering; it's almost impossible to believe a 14 year-old played it. Unlike most rote bass playing in punk bands, the bass here runs wild and is all over the place. And for some reason out in front a lot of the time. It's great.

3) In what would become a pattern (I think) for the band, the album is back-loaded rather than the customary front-loaded. The last six songs (and last three in particular) end the album with a flurry of great numbers, a la dont ask why/somethin to du/im in trouble/love you till friday/shut up/raised in the city.

Also: one of Paul's best songs, If Only You Were Lonely, was a B-SIDE!! to I'm in Trouble! And, of course, the liner notes are the best of any record ever.

Liner notes, translated:

1. Takin A RIde ... Radio Blastin...
2. Careless - Don't worry, we're thinking about taking lessons
3. (I'm in love with the girl who works at the store nothing but a Customer - Make up your own words, I DID. Bob's lead is hotter than a urinary infection.
4. Hangin D.T. - We wanted to put car horns over but none of us own a car
5. Kick your Door Down - 1st take - written 20 mins after we recorded it
6. Otto - We ain't crazy about it either. Also this song is proof that Chris Mars is one of the best Drummers we could find at the time.
7. I Bought a Headache -
8. Rattle Snake - A song about gardening.
9. I Hate Music - ... Tommy says so ...
10. Johnnys Gonna Die - A Real Heartbreaker. 1st lead Bob. 2nd lead Paul
11. Shiftless When Idle - Title - Good, song - kinda
12. More Cigarettes - this could have come close to Rock-a-Billy if we had taken the time.
13. Don't Ask Why - Stole a mess of these words from a guy who's never gonna listen to this record
14. Something to Du - Song for the Huskers, who have never taken Drugs.
15. I'm in Trouble - Warbling Ken sings a little flat, but Bob was in tune. After listening to several soul records with a friend one night, I asked that he play something "white + talentless." This what he played. Thanks Pete.
16. Love you till Friday - Pop music - Larson likes it too.
17. Shut up -------
18. Raised in the city - Key of C Fix it Fix it Stop

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