Monday, June 07, 2021

The Iron Horse + REM

While linking to The Baseball Project Letterman video in the post below I am reminded of something I've banged on before: how the fuck awful of a singer can Peter Buck possibly be? I mean, I can understand R.E.M. not letting him sing, but a fun supergroup of his buddies in which he plays bass and they sing songs about baseball, and even THEN they don't even put a mic on his side of the stage? In a word: WOW. - XMASTIME

Scott McCaughey on Disposables #5, a song about Lou Gehrig and a game that happened 80 years ago today.
"I had this demo partially in the can, dated from a few years ago, waiting for the BBP to make another record. (It's gonna happen!) Yesterday the Bad News Machine reminded me it's coming up on 80 years since Lou Gehrig passed away, so we thought it was appropriate to join in the tribute to one of the greatest. Thankfully Peter rushed over and spangled Rickenbacker on it. Maybe it'll get bass and drums someday.
Tiger Stadium was Briggs Field back then. Pinky Higgins was the hero of the ballgame, but no one cared. Yankees catcher Bill Dickey and manager Joe McCarthy skipped it to be at Lou's burial, in Valhalla, NY.
Lou Gehrig was my Dad's favorite player."
Performed by the indefatigable Scott McCaughey and legendary road dog Peter Buck.

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