Friday, June 25, 2021

Whack Dawg du Jour

I can remember breathlessly watching the three nights they originally ran this back in 1995, and thinking "who the fuck on the planet ISN'T watching this?" As the respective albums were released I'd buy them at Sounds at the mall in Oxford, running to the mall shitter to read the liner notes cause I couldn't wait until I got home. - XMASTIME

One thing that's IMPOSSIBLE to even fathom in today's streaming world of "here's every song this band has ever recorded in an instant sorry it took so long" is the fact that while The Beatles Anthology documentary aired on tv over a coupla days in November of 1995, the accompanying cds for Anthology 2 and Anthology 3 were released in March of 1996 and October of 1996, respectively. OCTOBER! 11 MONTHS LATER!!!

WTF - it was the biggest cultural event in the world, you know they had all the albums finished and set for release, why did they make us wait? It's insane now, but at the time, while I was super-eager for the albums to drop, the incredible amount of time between them didn't seem like a huge deal, it didn't seem weird at all. I guess it's like British tv back in the day when a series would air 6 episodes and then you could wait up to 4 years for the next season, a lá Fawlty Towers.

Whack, dawg!

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