Monday, June 28, 2021

WTF is it About Boston Athletes?

For some reason, Boston sports fans think if anyone plays more than 10 minutes in Boston they should be in the Hall of Fame. And apparently there has been enough banter about Dustin Pedroia being a Hall of Famer for someone to go through the trouble of writing an entire article against it:

From his arrival as 2007 Rookie of the Year and World Series hero through an MVP award and three All-Star berths in his first four seasons, Pedroia got an early jump on joining Rogers Hornsby, Joe Morgan, and Charlie Gehringer atop the list of greatest second basemen ever.

But like some hero out of Tolkien who absorbs a dozen arrows before finally succumbing to an onslaught of Orcs, Pedroia simply could not outlast a succession of injuries that robbed him not only of an appropriate sendoff, but also the late-career numbers that would've made his case for Cooperstown a slam dunk.

I know that as a Yankees fan I'm biased but come the fuck on already. And I know Joe Buck has been curled up under his bed crying since Pedroia announced his retirement but he is not a Hall of Famer. He was a really good player but that's it. I'm sorry he got hurt but .299 with 1,800 hits does not make you an immortal.

Is this just something we're gonna hafta preemtively do from now on every fucking time a Boston athlete retires?

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