Thursday, July 15, 2021

Calling Out Bush BS

I had assumed George W. Bush would be the worst president of my lifetime and posted about how awful he was about 1000x a day back in early Xmastime days, but then Trump came into office and was so repugnant it was easy for liberals like me to start thinking of Bush as warm cuddly Pop Pop who just wanted to paint still lifes and be adorable whenever in the presence of Michelle Obama. He stayed silent during Trump's years of being an ogre but has decided to speak up now that Biden has announced withdrawing troops from Afghanistan (which Trump and Obama both claimed they wanted to do as well) and this guy is having none of Bush's bullshit re: worrying about the lives of women left behind in the region:

Did he speak out when his party nominated a man to be president who has been accused by two dozen women of rape and sexual abuse? No. Has he spoken out against the efforts by his party to limit the voting rights of Americans, targeting primarily the voting power of women of color? Of course not.

Bush appointed justices and judges who opposed reproductive rights for women. He blocked aid to international organizations that provided family planning services. He blocked efforts to recruit more women into the intelligence community. And he has remained silent as the American Taliban in his party have sought to do worse.

Bush has permanently disqualified himself from commenting on U.S. foreign policy. He owns the Afghanistan fiasco and should be silent about well-intentioned efforts with bi-partisan support to bring it to a close. (Polls show overwhelming support for the pullout—between 58 percent support in an Economist poll to 77 percent in a CBS News poll.) He offers no better choices because, like other critics, he has none. And if he is going to stand up for the rights of women in the face of systematic efforts by religious extremists to crush them, then there is plenty of work he is going to have to do at home before he has any credibility to comment about what is going on elsewhere in the world.

George, unless you are going to stand up for American women and against errors you yourself made, it would be better for us all if you go back to your painting.

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