Tuesday, July 27, 2021

When The Ramones Met The Archies

It happened in 2016. At first glance I thought well that's weird, but then I remembered The Ramones were pretty well-known as being comic book fanatics (if they could read at all), and then this of course:

When cartoonist John Holmstrom, publisher Ged Dunn, and writer/resident punk Roderick ‘Legs’ McNeil started Punk magazine in 1975, they combined punk and comic books. Features on Blondie, The Ramones, and The Dead Boys were surrounded by pages of comics featuring trouble maker Legs and his drunken antics on the streets of NYC. Their first issue was published 40 years ago next year and was the first publication to highlight the CBGB scene. John Holmstrom has called Punk, “the print version of The Ramones.”

Do I own this a copy of this very issue Punk Magazine folks YES INDEED I DO, THANK YOU FOR ASKING!

Bought it on my first-ever trip to NYC in 1992. Went to CBGB's, met the infamously scowling owner Hilly Krystal who was annoyed I was trying to, you know, give him money for stuff.  And yes, seven years later my band The Happy Scene played there, rock you very much.

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