Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Frustrating The Office AF

When Steve Carell left The Office, we all assumed he did it because of his movie career. But over the past year or so, it's been found out that the fact is he wanted to stay, but NBC somehow didn't bother to ask him:

Ben Silverman and editor Claire Scanlon explained that Carell was prepared to stay on for more, but the network frustratingly fluffed it. "NBC dropped the ball, because I knew the story behind it, which was they just never even bothered, which was just like so dumb. I don’t know what was wrong with them.” 

Here's something that jumps out:

One thing wrong was that during the 2010 – 2011 season six to seven period, Comcast bought a controlling share in NBCUniversal, and replaced network chairman Jeff Glaspin with Bob Greenblatt. According to Baumgartner’s podcast, the feeling was that the new broom had little affinity or familiarity with The Office and didn’t realise what a boon it was to have Carell (by this point a major movie star) leading the cast. 

Obviously I don't really know what the job entails, but how the fuck does someone get put in charge of a network without knowing anything about its biggest fucking show? What the fuck? Does the chairman of Ford know NOTHING about cars?


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