Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Ted Lasso Season 2

Alan Sapinwall's review is in, and yes Virginia, there is a Jamie Tartt in season 2:

Season Two seems to open without any strife at all. Roy is retired and Jamie is starring in a reality dating show, and the Richmond players and management are all on the same page. When Ted arrives in Rebecca’s office each morning, she, general manager Higgins and marketing guru Keeley greet him like he’s Norm from Cheers. The players are constantly smiling, and Ted and assistant coaches Beard and Nate are so in unison they practically communicate with twin-speak. For a hot minute, it feels as if Sudeikis, Lawrence, and company saw how viewers responded to Ted’s goodness and decided to give them more of what they wanted, the narrative necessity of conflict be gosh-darned. If a comedy where everyone gets along all the time can still be appealing and funny, why does anyone ever need to get mad with one another?

Can't wait, people!

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