Monday, July 12, 2021

The Great Fetishism Continues

Americans love to do nothing more than fetishize billionaires, probably because we think if we do we'll magically become one ourselves. And today we see this about the Frasier reboot:

Kelsey Grammer described Frasier’s journey in the upcoming season, saying, “He thinks he’s going to go off and do one thing, and sure enough, his life takes him in another direction. And he ends up rich beyond his dreams.” 

Now I love LOVE LOVE LOVE Frasier, but of all the sitcom characters – the snobby Harvard elitist – and during of all times – a global economy derailed by Covid - you'd think this would be the perfect opportunity to turn the tables comedy-wise and see what it'd be like to put Frasier in a position in which he has to scramble to make do for himself on a daily business. But no, in America we demand he go in the opposite direction, making him even richer than before. What the fuck?!?!!?

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