Monday, August 16, 2021

All in the Family, Mike's a Dick

Back in 2009 I noted this about All in the Family's Mike Stivic:

One interesting thing about All in the Family is that we're all supposed to laugh knowingly whenever Meathead puts Archie in his place for being intolerant/racist etc. But in the spinoff show Gloria, we learn that Mike ditched his wife & kid and ran off with some flower girl hippy chick. This, of course, after Gloria supported him for five years while he was in college. So maybe Mike was the douchebag. Hmm. I am a fascinating cat. 

I'm in the middle of an AITF deep-dive, and just saw the episode Mike Comes into Money, which is described thusly:

Archie gets upset when Mike donates money he recently inherited towards George McGovern's presidential campaign instead of contributing towards his room and board.

I mean ffs Mike, how shitty can one man be?!?! And yes, I AM still a fascinating cat!

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