Wednesday, August 18, 2021


John Challis played the fantastic Boycie in my beloved Only Fools and Horses, and he explains the iconic character's laughter:

Boycie is also best known for his machine gun-like laugh, and Challis has claimed that it was him who inserted the laugh having been inspired by a female pub goer who he knew, and Sullivan then decided to make it a permanent trait of the character.

“It was a complete accident really. I nicked it from somebody else I knew, who was actually a woman. "She had this extraordinary machine gun laugh, she would be in the pub and people used to come to the pub to hopefully hear her laughing.

“It said in the script, ‘Boycie laughs at one of his own jokes.’ And I just did it and everybody laughed and Sullivan said, ‘Keep that in.’ It got into the scripts, ‘Boycie does one of his laughs.’ And I’ve been doing it ever since.”


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