Monday, August 23, 2021


I'm fascinated by uber-footnotes in history; either in pictures (ie. who's the woman in the picture they always show kneeling over the body at Kent State?) or otherwise (Raymond Jones walking into the NEMS shop and asking Brian Epstein for the "My Bonnie" single, which made Epstein curious about The Beatles) Who are these people? Has anyone ever interviewed them? That should be a whole book, interviews with these footnote people. - MORE XMASTIME FOOTNOTES HERE 

I just learned this today about the recording of The Beatles' Fixing a Hole:

Also present at the session was a man who had arrived at McCartney's house in St John's Wood, shortly before McCartney was due to depart for the studio, and introduced himself as Jesus Christ. McCartney later recalled: 'There were a lot of casualties about then. We used to get a lot of people who were maybe insecure or going through emotional breakdowns or whatever. So I said, "I've got to go to a session but if you promise to be very quiet and just sit in a corner, you can come." So he did, he came to the session and he did sit very quietly and I never saw him after that.'

Same thing happened to Lennon, without the studio part. Incredible.

Who the eff was this dude?

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