Sunday, August 01, 2021

Some Ted Lasso S2 E2 Thoughts (WARNING: Spoilers!!)

The tone of Jamie Tartt leaving the tv studio feeling alone & dejected had a very obvious Extras Christmas episode vibe to it.

I dunno how long they're gonna drag this whole “Nate's an asshole now that he's got some power" thing out but him making the kid knock/open those three different doors is physical comedy genius.

I love the whole “Higgins has no desk and can pop up anywhere” riff and am totally bummed it's already over by the end of the episode.

The dead son line from Jamie Tartt's agent was the line of the episode.

Interested to hear how the hell Ted's favorite book is The Fountainhead (since nobody asked, mine is The Grapes of Wrath).

It could've been shot funnier, but Rebecca joining in on the Laughing Liam thing was gold.


Why would Rebecca bite into a biscuit that’s been halfway eaten by someone else? Who is a stranger? DURING COVID???

The truth is that we all deserve an ESPN 30 for 30 on Roy Kent’s girl's soccer team. His line about the best dressed award is killer. And all the girls with their dopey, happy looks deserve awards.

The video of Roy Kent crying during his retirement speech should be in the Hall of Fame; he looked like such a Muppet I wish they’d shown more of it.

Obviously we're led to believe Keeley is horny after meeting Jamie so this is nice that it's not the case in this scene.

My buddy Dave & I used to have a riff at the Turkey's Nest just like the roller-coaster Jamie Tartt took Ted on when they met at the pub. "How's things?" "Great! Good. Well, okay. Terrible. Kill me." Lowering my head to the bar with each one.

Jamie's remark about adults being tall Yodas reminded me of this Boo Boo post from a few days ago.

Dani Rojas' "sitting on his hand "call-back line was great.

I LOVED LOVED LOVED the thing about the psychologist getting closer to Ted in the stands, creeping up on him.

There have been too many off-beat "Ted Lasso-isms" but his line to Sam re: Ted's Bernie Mac & Van Gogh was sublime.

This is  the second time the show has used the Sex Pistols (opening scene of opening show they played God Save the Queen) and I wish they'd drawn the scene out longer like the famous Goodfellas one, at least until the chorus. I feel like it ends too suddenly and with a whimper.

Roy's chair slipping down a notch was funny; them showing it through a camera monitor made it comedy genius.  Cap doffed.

Wouldn’t it have been funnier if Roy Kent ripped the teams on camera without cussing?

Any mention of the Diamond Dogs = automatic smile from me.

MY BEEF: after the whole talk with Sam, why wouldn't Ted take about 10 seconds to explain to him you know what, we are bringing Jamie back after all and here's why? Why are they setting it up like this, which feels like a fuck you to Sam? Luckily the show has a way of setting things up and then solving them incredibly fast, so hopefully this will be taken care of toute suite. Because it feels very un-Ted Lasso. Or un-human, really.

Otherwise, a fantastic EPISODE!!!

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