Sunday, August 29, 2021

New Book/Sometimes Nothing Makes Sense

From the prologue: 


Virginia’s Jimmy Miller neatly summarized the period for the Cavaliers when he said famously: “In less than two weeks, we went from winning the Game of the Decade to Losing the Game of the Century.”


Nobody would accuse UVa of having a massive imprint on the history of college basketball but this juxtaposition coupled with them becoming the first-ever #1 seed to lose in the tourney to a #16 seed and then winning it all the following year certainly gives them a unique history, for sure. 

Side Note: nobody ever remembers that before losing to Chaminade UVa handily beat Houston - definitely THE greatest team to never win a title, featuring Olajuwon and Clyde Drexler - WITHOUT RALPH SAMPSON, who was in the hospital with the flu!!

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