Friday, October 22, 2021

Viva la Susie!

Like everybody else I am all aflutter about the return of Curb Your Enthusiasm this Sunday, and The Ringer blows up the brilliance that is killer Susie:

If you can’t spot the Susie at your dinner table, you may be the Susie. But for the rest of us, there’s an escapist appeal to watching a human so unafraid of straight-up marinating in anger, so comfortable luxuriating within a dispute—whether that dispute is about liquored-up 7-year-olds; potentially murderous surprise parties; oyster shuckers; cheating realtors; or the “ugly section” at a restaurant. “I just know, anecdotally, how many women have come up to me and told me, you know, how great that is for them to see, how much they love it, how it’s great that I’m screaming and yelling at my husband,” Essman says, laughing. “So I’m breaking up marriages all across America.” (No word on whether any of these potential divorcees have slung threats about thumbtacks.) There is a barometric nature to Susie’s outbursts: They are so electric, so thunderous, that often they actually clear the air.

And ow nuts is this:

She was employed not as a series regular but as a day player, a setup that somehow lasted years: it wasn’t until Season 8 (!) in 2011 that Essman officially joined the main cast—at which point, Curb then went on a six-year hiatus. (Cue the tuba music.) 

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