Wednesday, October 06, 2021

Worlds Colliding!

One of the most famous John Lennon quotes was ‘Ringo wasn’t the best drummer in the world, he wasn’t even the best drummer in The Beatles’, intimating that Paul was better. Turns out super-Beatle historian Mark Lewisohn has dispelled this:
Lewisohn recently confirmed that the famous quote – ‘Ringo wasn’t the best drummer in the world, he wasn’t even the best drummer in The Beatles’ – was not a caustic witticism coined by Lennon, but was in fact spoken by comedian Phil Pope on the Radio 4 comedy show, Radio Active. 
#1: I totally believe Lewisohn, as he’s famously so thorough in his research. I read the first volume of his Beatles trilogy, and after 1,000 pages it ends when Ringo is just joining the band.

#2: Does the name Phil Pope ring a bell to you Xmastime “fans”? It should - he played the iconic Only Fools and Horses character Tony Angelino in the classic episode Stage Fright! :)

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