Tuesday, November 30, 2021

A Few Years in the Life

The folks over at Vulture have a few thoughts about The Beatles after watching the glorious Get Back:

The Beatles created more music in a shorter period of time than just about any band that ever existed. Fans didn’t have to wait long at all to get new music from them. During the Get Back sessions, the White Album, released in late 1968, sat at the top of the charts in both the U.S. and the U.K. and was followed shortly by Yellow Submarine and, later that year, Abbey Road before Let It Be would finally surface as a release in 1970. Imagine getting that many new albums in that short a span from Adele or BeyoncĂ©. You can’t because it’s impossible to conceive. The universe, or at least social media, would fold in upon itself if anyone dropped that much new material that was that good these days.

"But Xmastime", you say in the voice of Craig “Ironhead” Heyward from those soap commercials (RIP), “didn't you call this bullshit 13 years ago?" 

 Sigh. Yes I did, faithful readers, YES I DID:

...from 1963 – mid 1966 the Beatles put out 7 full-length albums & 13 singles. I will not even bore you with blatherings about the amazing quality of all of this material. All that work in just about 3 years…and yet when several months passed after Revolver with no music coming out from the fellas, the public was ready to pack it in. “Oh well, they had their day, they’re over.” While there are many people that still would still love the old records, the general mood was “time to move on.” Of course the public was soon hit with Strawberry Fields/Penny Lane and then Sgt Pepper, and that was it for any “they’re done” talk.

And yet a band like Blink 182 or whoever can put out one record every 5 years and we still gotta see their mugs showing up on tv, as if they fucking matter. Once you’re locked into the Hollywood crapfest, you will have a camera on you forever, no matter what. Whatever happened to the saying "It's tough to get to the top, but even tougher to stay there"? Now it's "It's tough to get to the top, but IMPOSSIBLE TO NOT STAY THERE."

Anyway, here's some asshole chucking a pillow at Paul McCartney's face as he's trying to enjoy a smoke with some strange older dude. The 1960s, amirite guys??!?!!

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