Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Hear Hear!

The case for more bread at Thanksgiving:

Bread is frequently the best part of any meal, but you wouldn’t know that at Thanksgiving. Relegated to second fiddle in stuffing, or as a side of side dishes in cornbread and dinner rolls, bread is as sidelined and forgotten at Thanksgiving as those wilted green beans that your aunt keeps bringing but no one ever eats. When they’re done right, stuffing, cornbread, and dinner rolls can be the height of the Thanksgiving form, but for those of us who love Thanksgiving sides more than the big show, a fluffy dinner roll can do the irreparable damage of filling you up too fast.

Why the hell not - the entire meal, except for the turkey nobody cares about - are body-sucking, incredibly delicious carbs, so why bother skimping on the bread? It's one day a year, carb the fuck up people!

This guy gets it.

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