Thursday, December 30, 2021

OFAH du Jour

Rats, I totally missed that yesterday was the 25th anniversary of the finale of the remarkable Only Fools and Horses Christmas trilogy, the Time On Our Hands episode in which Del Boy & Rodney, after decades of scrapping, finally become the millionaires they - or Del Boy, at least - had always dreamed of becoming. It was supposed to be the final episode of the entire series (the Trotters literally walk off into a sunset, after all), but so popular was the demand for more that three subsequent specials were aired, from 2001-2003. There's a lot of debate among fans about whether the show should've ended with Time On Our Hands; my answer is OF COURSE IT SHOULD HAVE, but at the same time I'm more than grateful to get more Trotter time in the years following, so.

25 years! Long Live the Trotters!

Of course John Sullivan's final scene for the episode combines brilliant comedy - Rodney making fun of Del's new, posh pants - and the heartbreak of Del Boy realizing his days of shucking & jiving for every pound were now over.

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