Thursday, January 13, 2022

A Sad Day, Indeed

It looks like the future of the greatest reality show of all time, Republican Presidential Debates, may be cancelled:

The Republican National Committee is preparing to change its rules to require presidential candidates seeking the party’s nomination to sign a pledge to not participate in any debates sponsored by the Commission on Presidential Debates.

What a bummer. Nothing was better than watching a dozen or so of these fucktards standing there one-upping each other with stupid shit after stupid shit. They will be missed.

More importantly? GOP debates have long been the source of some of my greatest moments; namely, one particular live-blogging in 2007 was so cracking that a friend of mine taught it in his political studies class at Hunter College. Sample great line:

- 9:29 how short is McCain? Jesus Christ, were these toy planes he was flying in Vietnam? No wonder they kept him for 7 fucking years, he made them feel like Wilt Chamberlain.

Fare thee well, idiots...fare thee well..

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