Monday, January 17, 2022

Adults Suck

Thanks to severe over-reach vis-a-vis the absurdity of adults banning books, some kids in Pennsylvania have formed a banned book book club:

A Kutztown middle schooler created a Teen Banned Book Club to discuss and celebrate challenged stories, discussing both classic novels and current hot topics.

A group of 9 youth, ranging in grades 7 to 11 mostly from the Kutztown area, attended the club’s first meeting held at Firefly Bookstore in Kutztown on Jan. 12.

“After seeing the proposed book banning in Texas and the experience in Central York School District, I became concerned about censorship in our own community,” said her mother, Lisa who helped establish the club. “Unfortunately, we are seeing a group in our community begin to propose book banning during our school board meetings.”

“This club gives teens the opportunity to read books that speak to them and be able to freely discuss their own opinions without censorship. It also gives them the opportunity to look at the history of book banning and relate it to what is happening today,” her mother said.

Good for them! And maybe the lesson here is that the secret to getting kids to read books these days is for adults to continue to be shitheads?

Some of my previous brilliant thoughts on young adult reading HERE, people. You're welcome!

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