Friday, January 28, 2022

Crasy, Amirite?

Between King George III ("Trey"), Queen Victoria ("Darling Vikki") and Queen Elizabeth ("Beth Metal"),  183 out of the last 251 years of the British throne have been hogged by three people. That's 73%.  - XMASTIME...11 years ago!!!!

Queen Victoria became queen because her father died shortly after her birth and she became heir to the throne because the three uncles who were ahead of her in the succession - George IV, Frederick Duke of York, and William IV - had no legitimate children who survived.

 Queen Elizabeth became queen because her uncle pulled  a not-even-one-in-a-lifetime bananas thing of abdicating in order to marry an American divorcĂ©e.

So both of these women became British monarchs through curiously tenuous, quirky threads of succession...and together have ruled for an astonishing 133 years (so far)!

Here's my bff Tom Hollander as George III, no reason.

"So....we're just gonna let chicks rule everything now? Really? Great." 

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