Friday, January 07, 2022

Curious Journalism

The folks over at Gizmodo are highlighting what sounds like a great deal from Taco Bell:

Taco Bell has announced a new way for customers to “live más:” by purchasing a pass that’s good for one taco per day for 30 days. A single crunchy taco costs $1.49, 30 of which would set you back $44.70, plus any applicable sales tax. That alone makes the Taco Lover’s Pass a solid bang for the taco bargain buck. But where its utility really shines is with what some might call Taco Bell’s “premium” offerings. To procure a Doritos Locos Tacos Supreme per day would run upwards of $80.70 for the month, making the Taco Lover’s Pass a veritable bargain. 

This is great! THANK YOU, Taco Bell! And thank you Gizmodo for telling us all about it!

But for some reason Gizmodo also feels the need to then shit all over Taco Bell:

The stuff Taco Bell sells is “food” in the same way that an Easy Bake Oven is an “oven,” which is to say, in name only. Everyone knows that eating a single Doritos Locos Taco a day can’t and won’t sustain you. It barely even makes for a meaningful snack, and it’s arguably more trouble than it’s worth to go out of your way every single day for a month to get your taco as a means to stick it to the Taco Bell man.

So what to make of this new promotion? What meaning can we divine from the swirling, systematic chaos that is paying $10 for the privilege to walk into a Taco Bell 30 separate times, all in the name of retrieving an ultimately unsatisfying, unfulfilling taco?

WTF? Why point out this deal if you're just gonna shit on Taco Bell? And is this going to change anybody's mind - is anybody really under the assumption that Taco Bell is anything other than what we all think it is? Fuck you, Gizmodo! 😡 

Although to be fair, their Doritos taco was disappointing.

And enough with the sauce packs, people!

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