Monday, January 24, 2022

Opportunity Blown

I've worn the hell out of Never Mind the Bullocks, It's the Sex Pistols since I was 15 years old, and its  in listening to my favorite podcast right now that I'm reminded - what if Malcolm McLaran had taken a minute from being obsessed with endless media stunts passing off the band as a bunch of untalented puppets of which he was the puppetmaster and instead realized holy crap, this is an incredible band with an amazing album?

The most blatant moment of course is him pushing the rest of the band to fire bass player Glen Matlock....WHO HAD ONLY WRITTEN ALL THE SONGS FOR THEM!! It's like if in 1996 Phil Jackson decides to cut Michael Jordan, claiming its his system that will win 72 games and the title, and not Jordan. 

Whack, man.

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