Tuesday, January 18, 2022

(Pulling My Hair Out/Screaming)

“The sad thing is, he used to be funny” is the latest thing people say that they think sounds smart. Oh sure, you once appreciated their comedic nuances, but now you just feel sorry for him as disagreeing with you must mean he’s now a mindless screed who, “sadly”, just can’t be funny anymore. Focusing on that bit makes these people think they sound smart and “above it all”, when it fact it just reveals they’re as lazy & stupid as everybody else, with nothing meaningful to say. You disagree, that's great, but leave it already with this moronic patronizing bullshit anyone with a brain can see right through. 
"I of course welcome a calm & rational discourse on our opposing viewpoints but I feel sorry for him because he's not funny anymore...", as if you at any time were some arbitrator of comedy anyway is just fucking eye-rolling. Shut the fuck up with that shit already, asshole.

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