Friday, January 21, 2022

We are Living in Exciting Times (No No, I Mean It This Time!)

When I was a kid, to dream there was even a scrap of paper somewhere with anything about my favorite bands like The Ramones or The Replacements et al was unthinkable. Hell I'm so old that in college I actually called Rolling Stone magazine and told them I wanted to write a paper on The Clash. They were so baffled that they actually SENT mimeographed copies of every article on The Clash that had been in RS, along with a personal note "Greg - hope this helps, let me know how it goes." I still have the stuff they sent me; doing something like that in today's internet age is pretty unthinkable.

And getting to see your favorite band on tv, which was also unthinkable.

But today? Today, we can see that The Replacements are the answer to a question (or rather the question to an answer) on last night's Jeopardy!, so I guess if you live long enough, you'll see some wild shit.

PS - and if you had told 15 year-old me that one day Husker Du would be featured on PBS my wig woulda flipped right off my goddam head!

Mukluks: Bob Zimmerman (no not that one)

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