Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Xmastime as TV Vetter

Abbott Elementary

Three episodes in, I am LOVING this one. Sure the whole “mockumentary” thing is a bit played out, but the show is legit LOL funny and has a big, fat, warm heart throughout it. Every character is truly funny, you can't help but care about the main character, and the principal may be the funniest new character on tv. Already I feel invested in the new substitute teacher staying on after finding he has a real connection with the kids he thought he'd never care about. The no-nonsense veteran teacher is automatic comedy gold while being the voice of reason. Nobody would accuse Abbott Elementary of breaking the record for originality, but I’m rooting hard for it and hope it continues to get better with each episode. Two thumbs up!

American Auto

This show is kind of the opposite of Abbott Elementary. It does everything right - it’s well done (there’s a lot of DNA from The Office in it via writers/producers) and has plenty of funny lines, but has no real heart to it. It seems to be very aware that it knows what its doing, down to the archetypal characters: the boss who is totally clueless and makes you wonder how they got a job in the mail room much less one as the CEO, the exasperated woman in her 30s who’s trying to do everything and you just know is a total disaster in her personal life, the impeccable black gay man who’s always right, etc etc etc. It’s perfectly watchable, and I'll keep trying it, but if it got cancelled tomorrow I wouldn’t really care.

I watch both of these on Hulu every Wednesday. Enjoy previous TV Vetter posts by scrolling down HERE.

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