Friday, February 11, 2022

February Footnotes

I'm fascinated by uber-footnotes in history; either in pictures (ie. who's the woman in the picture they always show kneeling over the body at Kent State?) or otherwise (Raymond Jones walking into the NEMS shop and asking Brian Epstein for the "My Bonnie" single, which made Epstein curious about The Beatles) Who are these people? Has anyone ever interviewed them? That should be a whole book, interviews with these footnote people. - MORE XMASTIME FOOTNOTES HERE

The other day HERE I reiterated a Broadway play idea I had, about the people staying in the NYC hotel The Beatles stayed at when they came to America being annoyed at all the craziness. And now I read this, about the hotel The Beatles stayed at on February 11, 1964, to play their first-ever American concert in Washington DC:

The group and their entourage checked in at the Shoreham Hotel, where they took the entire seventh floor to avoid fans. One family refused to be relocated so the hotel staff cut off the hot water, electricity and central heating, telling them there was a power failure and they had to move.

WHO WAS THIS FAMILY?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!!

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