Friday, February 18, 2022

OFAH du Jour

This place here has a random Five Best and Five Worst Episodes of Only Fools and Horses. And since you people asked, here's my thoughts on whether or not each belongs in their given spot.


The Jolly Boys Outing: absolutely belongs here. Not the single funniest episode but its warmth, and having the whole gang together, make it endlessly re-watchable.

Time On Our Hands: the "real" ending of the series, and one of the greatest finishing moments of any show ever. Yes!

Heroes and Villains: part of the 1996 Christmas Trilogy along with Time On Our Hands, this is a stone-cold classic with the Batman & Robin scene finishing a close third to Del falling through the bar/dropping the chandelier for funniest OFAH moment ever.

Chain Gang: as I said, I just love it when the when the gang is all together. It rarely happens, and it does here and it's fantastic.

Yuppy Love: includes the BBC's most iconic scene ever, Del Boy falling through the bar, and introduces us to Cassandra, Rodney's great love. Yes!


Video Nasty: a POX on whoever put together this list! I absolutely LOVE this episode - it includes one of the Top 5 scenes ever, Del Boy's "There is a rhino loose in the city!" movie idea. 


A Slow Bus to Chingford: not a great episode, not a classic, but definitely not top 5 "worst" episodes. Has a great story from Grandad about the attache cases, and Del Boy fooling Rodney into working for him is always classic.

Diamonds are for Heather: okay yeah, this belongs on this list, it's definitely in my Bottom 5. Just meh.

If They Could See Us Now: for some reason this gets dissed because it came AFTER the legendary 1996 Xmas Trilogy that was supposed to be the end of the series but this episode is great; them going to the wrong funeral for Uncle Albert could've been made into an entire movie.

A Royal Flush: a strange episode , and John Sullivan's least favorite as it was rushed for Christmas, and a lot of fans don't like how mean Del comes out in it, but I don't hate it. It's got some great Del stuff - like shooting skeet for instance, and really highlights the despair Rodney feels, always being stuck under Del and never seeing what he can really make of himself.

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