Friday, March 11, 2022

Should I Stop Reading Bleak House?

Yesterday I bitched HERE about the impossibility fo getting through Bleak House, and now THIS GUY WHO SPECIFICALLY READS AND WRITES ABOUT ABSURDLY LONG BOOKS, has this to say about it:
the book really doesn’t start to get moving until about page 395. 
395???!?! This is the 2022 equivalent of someone bugging you to watch a streaming series that "sucks and is boring but if you hang n there until Episode 9 it'll be worth it" oh fuck that shit, people. And he seems as anxious about all the way-too-many characters:

I felt like I was introduced to characters and plot lines in a sort of circular motion as one character’s circumstance would lead to the introduction of another, and their’s would lead to the introduction of someone, and so on and so forth until eventually the reader was brought back to the character the whole cycle started with. This can make the novel both fun and frustrating – any novel that begins with a list of characters immediately puts me on edge as it would not be included unless they felt like the reader would need it.

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