Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Book 'Em

Yeah it's a bit like being the tallest of the midgets, but I'm happy to see my superslice from the late 90s on this list:

"Four stores on five floors in three buildings 100 feet apart," boasts Oxford's Square Books. All located at the historic town square, the main bookstore holds court in an older building with a block-long second-level balcony. They also have a separate children's bookstore and "Off Square Books," a full store for lifestyle books (cooking, travel, photography, etc.) and bargain buys. The most recent addition to the club, Rare Square Books, opened in September 2019 and features hard-to-find first editions and other vintage items. Along with the usual author events, Square hosts Thacker Mountain Radio, a live weekly show that features both literary and musical talent—it's no wonder Publishers Weekly named Square Books their Bookstore of the Year in 2013.

In January of 1996 while living in Oxford, Mississippi I made $479 every two weeks - I bought every cd I saw, ate out 3 times a day (including the "Love Me Tender" and toasted ravioli from...awww, cant remember the name of the joint...starts with a C, something...awwww, fuck it), and would still have money left over by the next payday.

Every day I'd work til 5pm, then walk over to Square Books, where I'd sit for a coupla hours and read every dumb book in the rock 'n roll section (heady reading) while drinking free refill after free refill of sweet tea.

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