Saturday, April 23, 2022

How to Solve the Trump Problem

The fascinating thing about the GOP's fealty to Trump is that if any Republican had the balls to do now what I suggested they do during The Apprentice:

When is someone from ‘American Idol’ finally gonna do what I’ve been screaming at those ‘Apprentice’ losers to do for years? Let's face of it, the odds of you actually winning are fairly slim. BUT when you get fired, instead of genuflecting “Thank you King Trump, thank you!” and slinking off, I’ve always thought you should flip out, cause a scene. “WHAT? YOU’RE firing me? F*&CK THAT, I’M firing YOU, motherf*cker!” and try to flip that table over. Cause you KNOW that there’s a million hotshots around the world that HATE Trump and when they see the clip of you telling T-rump to go f-ck himself, they’ll hire you for $200,000/year just to hang out, smoke cigars and tell everyone how you told Trump to go f-ck himself.

THEN THEY'D BE A GODDAM HERO AND THE WORLD WOULD DEDICATE ITSELF TO PLEASING THEM AS LONG AS THEY LIVE!!!! These people act like they'll be in bread lines blowing dudes for drinking water, but the exact fucking opposite is true.

Why is this shit so clear to me and nobody else, Earth? Grr.

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