Friday, April 22, 2022

In America.

Anyone who’s lived for any length of time would rightfully roll their eyes anytime someone starts ranting that “America is over!” and we’re all divided like never before in our history. They’d pat you on the head that it’s all been done before and after some time, things will shake back down to normal. And usually, they’d be right.


I PROMISE YOU that in February 2020, people like me were walking around saying “the only way we’re gonna get thru this Trump red state/blue state divisiveness is to have a common enemy, something that we ALL have to rally against, like WWII or the Russians. THEN we’ll all come together and restore America’s greatness!”

And then the next day a historic pandemic levels us all. We’re all scared, and real death is a real thing hanging over all of us. We’d all band together and take care of each other and therein remember that we’re all in this shit together and need to help each other.

But none of that happened. Our version of WWII or the Russians showed up just in time, but instead of snapping us to our senses and bringing us together, it’s done the exact opposite. People have literally chosen to die instead of acquiesce to "elites". Which to me really is a death knell. If that shit didn’t do the trick, I find it hard to believe anything else will. If WWII erupted right now, we’d be divided re: Hitler. In this climate today, we’d never go to the Moon. Wouldn't even come close.

I'll be watching the empire burn with my  tootsie's up & watching What's Happening!!, fuck you very much!

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