Wednesday, April 13, 2022

MLB, Lightening Up?

Brett Phillips, who gets paid a lot of money to be a professional outfielder and not a pitcher, had himself a hella fun time last night, coming into playfully finish a game pitching for the Rays.

Nobody seems to have any problem with this, which is a stark contrast to back in 2009 Nick Swisher was LEGIT LOL funny mopping up as pitcher for the Yankees, only to be bitched at by Jorge Posada about "not being serious enough" or some shit.

The Yankees Morality Police will be out in force because Nick Swisher had the audacity to smile on the mound tonight when he was pitching in a 10-run game.

The best part was when he shook Jose Molina off, even through there were no signs. When he struck Gabe Kapler out, Swish rolled the ball into the dugout for a souvenir.  
Derek Jeter thought it was amusing because it was Swisher. “He’s not going to stop talking about it,” the captain said.
Of course, the old guard stick-in-the-mud must rear it's ugly head.
But Jorge Posada was not amused. “Nobody was laughing,” he said. “I think today was embarrassing.” Maybe so. But Swisher is hitting .450 and has 10 RBI. Maybe everybody should have what he’s having.

The joke was on Posada, as that Yankees team would not only go on to win the World Series but would become one of the very few Yankees teams who seemed to be allowed to have a slight bit of fun while doing it.

Savor the flavor, young Phillips!

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