Friday, April 08, 2022

Oh FFS Already

Yesterday I mentioned Joe Rogan - and Marc Maron - being a shitty standup comedian. I thought of this because I was mildly interested in listening to his podcast guest yesterday, which happened to be David Mamet. Wow, I thought, David Mamet, I’ll listen to whatever he has to say.

After just a few moments I realized that David Mamet is a bit of a lunatic so I was about to stop listening when Rogan mentioned Woodrow Wilson making it a crime during WWI for any American to talk about the war. And Rogan being a shitty comedian was further cemented in my mind when he and Mamet talked about Wilson doing this and not once mentioning Fawlty Towers’ “Don’t mention the war!” scene, which is about as iconic a scene as you have in television comedy history and yet apparently Joe Rogan, who constantly wants to remind you that he’s a standup comedian, is not aware of it.


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