Monday, April 18, 2022

Oh Goody, the Billionaires Will Lead Us All

One thing I've been bleating on and on about for a few years now is the fact that with each election, we'll more & more insist that we only allow ourselves to choose amongst billionaires who are now bored and assume because they hit it big with one thing, of course they'd be a natural to lead the free world. They always start with:

1) I'm not a "politician" so I won't fall for that DC swamp!

2) I am a businessman, and as a man of business will run this country like a business!

3) Saying their intention is “to bring all Americans together", thanks to them being unencumbered by any previous politics/thoughts/principles etc

4) Bragging that since they're so rich they won't need to accept money from anybody and therefore unlike those other chumps running won't be beholden to anybody!

Of course once they really start running they have to realize:

1) it's all politics

2) The county's not run like a business, despite the insistence from people who have no idea how any business is run anyway

3) We're fucking children so this unfortunately works, like Lucy with the football

4) This lasts maybe 4 seconds into their campaign

I mention all this because of course the latest version of this is Elon Musk, suffering with the affliction of "billionaire whimsy", which I guess is just the natural last act before an Empire finally crumbles for good.

I'm putting the odds of Musk "putting together a research committee" to consider flirting with running in 2024 at 100%. And he won't be the only billionaire asking us to lap their balls, which of course Americans will sprain their tongues for the chance to do. Fucking hell 😡

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