Monday, May 02, 2022

So What's This All About?

This popped up on Twitter today and I thought oh wow, I actually REMEMBER that cover! 

And I was QUITE pleased with myself, thank you very much.

But now as I'm looking at it more closely, I realize that I totally recognize each and every single name on that list. I know the names, I can picture the faces, I can give you at least a short sentence on every one. Which is funny, since back in 1985 I watched maybe three baseball games the entire year. If Brothatime!! and I were lucky we'd get "The Game of the Week" on a Saturday and it was always some shit like White Sox/Blue Jays. There was no internet, and I watched maybe 10 minutes of baseball, yet I totally remember each of these players, 37 years later. Meanwhile, today I'll watch about 130+ games in a year and other than my beloved Yankees I could name about 6 players, and definitekly couldn't pick them out of a fucking lineup.

Sooo....what's this all about, ya'll?

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