Monday, May 23, 2022

There's No Laughing in Baseball?

Unless I can get a big laugh out of it I try not to do the ol’ “back in MY day…” blah blah blah bullshit, but I feel like the exception may be baseball books or movies.

Baseball has always been the best sports forum for funny books or movies because for 100 years, most of the players' time was spent sitting around bored to tears, which is how about 99% of all great comedy comes from. But nowadays, I’m *guessing* most of that time is spent staring at their phones with headphones on, so all of that time sitting around trying to entertain each other is pretty much gone. That’s not to say there’s not still plenty of funny moments, but the sheer number of hours being put into potential comedy every day has shrunk by I’d guess about 900000%, so. 🤔

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