Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Today in History

(Via Facebook)

OTD in 2010, a ‘Mad Men’ episode aired using a Beatles song, “Tomorrow Never Knows." This was the first time the Beatles record label allowed an original Beatles song to air on television.   
Mad Men paid the most ever for licensing rights, $250,000. A popular band can net $100,000 for licensing a song on TV.  The show's creator, Matthew Weiner, said he had previously tried to have Beatles songs appear on the show, but had been rebuffed by Apple Corps before they finally relented.  “I had to do a couple things that I don't like doing, which is share my story line and share my pages,” Weinberg explained about how he talked Apple into allowing him to use the song.   
Below is Don Draper, played by Jon Hamm, trying to relax as “Tomorrow Never Knows” plays.
SUPERslice! 🤗🤗🤗🤗

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