Friday, June 17, 2022

TV Tweet du Jour

From the main TV guy at places like the NY Times, LA Times, AV Club etc.

Which is EXACTLY what I said a month ago!

The problem with almost all movies/shows based on a true story is that in the end, the makers never trust themselves that the reason they’re doing the movie/show in the first place - that the real story is amazing - is enough for the audience, so they end up ratcheting shit up to crazy and shoe-horning in a fucking romance that just takes up pointless time.

And with a show like Winning Time, where we see the producers rolling the dice by super-ratcheting up the crazy on a story still fresh in people's heads from only 40 years ago!!!! being rewarded by everybody (including me) watching it because it's so fucking entertaining, I'm *guessing* this problem will only get exponentially worse tout suite.


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